The Phoenicians’ Route International Confederation aims to promote and assist the activities of national and transversal networks that are part of it in order to pursue the following goals:
- Improvement of knowledge and dissemination of memory, history and European heritage linked to the Mediterranean, to ancient civilizations and intercultural dialogue.
- Promotion of Mediterranean culture and intercultural dialogue in Mediterranean regions and countries, their tangible and intangible historical heritage, landscapes and environment.
- Promotion of sustainable and responsible cultural tourism activities through, among other things, the enhancement of identity and creativity.
- Promotion of the International Network of the Phoenicians’ Route as well as the program, activities and values of the Council of Europe.
- Organization of research activities related to tourism and culture, to sustainable local development and the increase in the connected labour market, including the growth of new generations.
- Promotion and support to the protection of cultural landscapes and traditions related to Mediterranean culture to preserve them as a common heritage of countries and regions.